How can I put into words what has happened? It does it no justice.
I believe that when Sarah enters your life, it is the calling of your own soul that has been answered. Sarah’s appearance in my life was quite serendipitous. She decided to offer her services to me on my birthday, of all days, unbeknownst to her. This was a difficult birthday for me, it felt as though every area of my life was on fire- I felt alone, and terribly heartbroken. I am also in the midst of a profound spiritual awakening. Sarah is the personification of “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. No one can tell me otherwise. Sarah appeared when I was willing and ready to get off the sidelines and step into this beautiful game of my life.
In just 3 short months of working with Sarah, I have had, under Sarah’s guidance, a profoundly personal spiritual transformation and Sarah has been able to interpret what is happening to me like only she can. She has helped me to deepen my connection with the Divine in a way that I did know was possible. I know that this happened as a necessary precursor to Sarah and I’s continued work together. However, I must admit that although I am transforming with the help of this brilliant coach, I am frightened by the further changes that I know are coming. I know that continued work with her will demand that my foundation be rebuilt and this will require that the old one be cast down. But, Sarah is here to hold my hand and stand by my side as I answer my calling. I can be in no better earthly hands and for that I am ever grateful.
Female | Ontario, Canada
“When we first met, I was struggling more than I may have realized. I was feeling overworked, burnt out and more anxious than I had ever felt before in my life. Working full-time in addition to running a business, wanting to see it grow plus trying to manage to be a good wife, daughter, friend and sister was exhausting. I was working 60-80 hours every week, yet could never seem to get ahead financially. I was living ver uncomfortably in my overdraft, even though I was working so much, it never added up. When I first reached out, I wasn’t even sure what help I needed but I knew that I needed to do something for me for once in my life and FAST. After our discovery call, I knew you were the one for me! You hit every nail on the head about my life, my purpose and how you could support me. I knew that I couldn’t afford the price tag, but I also knew that things were never going to get better if I didn’t invest in myself. It sounds cheesy, but once you make that investment, put yourself out there and ask for help, the universe truly does have your back.
I was so hung up on actions of my past. Feelings of guilt. Feelings of remorse. Worries about what other people thought about me. No wonder I was stressed. Within our first two sessions, I told you my deepest, darkest secret that I hadn’t even told to my best friend or my husband. You honestly just made me feel so comfortable that after that session it felt like the weight of the world had lifted off my shoulders! My inner circle has definitely noticed a change in me since we started working together. I am more confident. More open. And less overwhelmed by what others think of me. I used to be a social media addict. I would post every thing to Instagram. Now i’ve used that energy to focus on my business and have grown it by 100% in the past 6 months!
This year was transformational. I won’t lie and say it was all sunshine and rainbows. I lost a lot of toxic relationships I was holding onto. At first, it was anxiety-inducing, but over time I have come to realize that the people who matter are the ones who are still here. I’ve spoke my truth even when it nearly killed me to stand up for myself. I’ve quit my full-time job and pursued my passion as a new career.
I was driving the other day to a private session for a client in the middle of the week and I just started laughing. I couldn’t believe that this was my life. That I get to do what I love, make more money than I could have ever imagined and define my own purpose in life without dreading the 9-5 lifestyle that so many of us are sold on.
This investment in myself has returned over and over again. I went from a {X amount} in business last year and am projected to do {3X that amount} by the end of this year. IS THIS REAL LIFE!?
Oh Sarah, there is so much that I want to say. I can’t thank you enough. I found you at what felt like the lowest point of my life almost one year ago today. I felt like you pushed me harder than I ever had been pushed before and gave me the clarity I needed to do the things I was dying to do. If it wasn’t for you, I would have never had the courage to quit my job, pursue my business full-time, say goodbye to toxic relationships, strengthen my relationship with my family and husband. I used to charge {X amount} for a full month of services and feel nervous sending the proposal. I just sent off a proposal the other day for a {8X original amount} a month contract and didn’t even flinch.
You’ve shifted my mindset. You made me own up to my bullshit. But most importantly, you changed my life. I remember telling my husband how much I would be paying for coaching and he literally looked at me with shock in his eyes. Now, with the changes that have occurred, he constantly reminds me that it was the best money and time I have ever spent. As I welcome a new little human into this crazy life come February, I am more confident than ever that I will be able to be the Mom and the business owner that I have always wanted to be.”
Female | British Columbia, Canada
"Sarah is the very best in helping guide you in finding the path to true healing. She is a true healer, or shmealer (shame healer), as she calls it. Nobody else on my path to true healing has ever been able to impact me to the degree that Sarah has, not even close (and I've tried it all, trust me)!! This path is not for the faint of heart but it's a way into the light. As Rumi would say, "the cure for the pain is in the pain". The anger and rage that I felt on a daily basis for myself and the world around me was insane and as I grew older it got worse and worse. I took it all out on myself and those closest to me and I thought I was the only one experiencing these thoughts. I'm now off medications that I had been on for 15+ years and the relationships with my children have shifted dramatically. She helps in excavating all the toxic waste and garbage I've accumulated and stored deep down when it was never mine to hold onto. She's helped me release many many repressed emotions. She helps you make sense of all the bullshit stories and non-sense we've made up and believe about ourselves to make sense of the world we've experienced from the day we were born. Are you kidding me?!! None of it has any basis in truth about who we are and only serves to limit you in getting and giving the most love to yourself and others in service to the universe. She will get down and dirty in the trenches with you (without judgement) and help you dig out the crap, put it on the table and get rid of it and the story you keep telling yourself. It's the only way that I've found that we give ourselves a chance at coming back and connecting to the peaceful, loving beings we were when we were born and who we still are (at our core).
In my life I've found that no amount of money, sex, partners, drugs, trophy or accolade can ever get rid of that feeling of not being enough. It may feel good for a day, a week, a month or a year, but the feeling of not being enough would always come back and I'd have to reach higher and higher and once I'd reach that next goal the same feeling would almost immediately overcome me, I'd always return to feeling shitty, depressed, anxious and not enough. What I've learned is that this feeling of not enoughness can never be satiated and we need to go deeper, waaaaay deeper, and Sarah can help you do it. Forgiving yourself and loving yourself takes work and takes time but there is no other way to live and Sarah helps guide you on this path, no bullshit and no sugar coating it. I'm 49 years old and I'm realizing shifts in my life that I never thought possible. I look at my life in a completely different way now and feel many moments of peace and love on a daily basis. I so appreciate Sarah and I would highly recommend you hurry up and get on this path with her as soon as you can, you'll never regret this investment in yourself and the inner feelings of joy, peace and love for yourself and the world. I couldn't have done it without her."
Male | Ontario, Canada
"For the first time in my life I have clarity, and I'm not blinded by the fear or guilt that once ruled my life. I don't waste my days hating myself or feeling stuck like I used to, or thought I would forever. I'm accepting my growth and freedom to explore as a gift, and seizing the opportunities in front of me. I'm trying things that excite me, I'm trusting my instincts to explore myself. I'm making my voice heard because I know it matters, and I matter.
I know that creating the building blocks of myself are worth more than any dollar I'd ever earn. My mental health and well being matter most, and I can see that now, after having put in so much work, I know I'm worth it, and the changes are worth the effort. Making myself a priority has saved my life. I no longer secretly hope for death, or get panic attacks thinking about my unknown future. I haven't had a glimmer of darkness in months, something I truly never would've believed could happen.
Before I took this leap, I was hesitant because I'd tried many things before, so I didn't want to get my hopes up for something that could be another quick fix. But working with Sarah has literally changed my life. She helped me to understand my dad and deal with our issues in a way that's been clear and healing for me to work on. She gave me the gift of actually releasing my grief and guilt, and reaching a positive state in his and my relationship. That has brought me a priceless peace that I'll treasure for life.
All I know is that for the first time ever, I am truly and genuinely happy, aware, hopeful, and excited to be me. And that was the best gift I could've given myself this year, so I am thankful for the day I took the leap with Sarah. Best decision I ever made.
Yes, I did the work, but you provided the tools, offered me a safe space, gave me guidance, held me accountable, and never gave up on me. You made this possible, and I speak this with truth when I say that you saved my life.”
Female | British Columbia, Canada
“Working with Sarah, even though only for a short period of time, has felt like the release of a giant weight being lifted off my body. I had spent the last year and a half of my life carrying this looming sense of guilt and embarrassment from decisions I had made to end a long term relationship and making life changes. I remember going to bed every week with my throat full of dread and grief. I remember this numbness at trying to accept that perhaps I would never be “as happy” again. That even though I was “doing” the things I had set out to do and making brave choices, that I would never feel the fulfillment from those choices down in my core. I sunk down to my lowest point a couple of months ago when I woke up like usual, numb but with a smile on my face for the outside world, and I briefly wondered what the point of living was, if it was just more of this. I was terrified. It was so unlike myself , and I knew that. Immediately, I felt shame and selfish for entertaining these feelings. Here I was, a privileged woman with a life for whom many had made sacrifices to get me here, and I was suffering.
One of the most poignant moments in my work with Sarah was when she told me “you are done paying for a crime you didn’t commit”. Or when I had my soul session and for the first time in my life I heard the words “your problems are my problems now too. You’re not alone on this journey”. And I think what I want people to know, is that working with Sarah is about her letting myself, and whoever else is willing, start the work to come home to myself. It’s about starting the journey to rediscover the relationship I have with myself, and being liberated to live a life that feels authentic to my being. Am I there yet? No of course not, there is so much left to do. but for the first time in months, I feel more connected and hopeful for where I am than I have in a long, long time. I want to protect this feeling at all costs, and Sarah helps me do that. Working with Sarah is like having an inner mirror - you always wish you could see yourself from someone else’s eyes and be able to love what you see. I think Sarah has the ability to see your person and understand your motivations while also loving it back.”
Female | Ontario, Canada
“It's hard to believe that just over a year ago, we were sitting {in a Soul Session} talking about my business. I remember being totally blown away when you said you thought that I could charge people {3X more} for a service I was offering. (I literally am laughing and shaking my head right now!). I just wanted to write and say THANK YOU. Thank you for waking me up to realize my self worth, for making me feel confident in my knowledge and skills and for pushing me to quit settling for crappy clients, crappy friendships and low-ballers.
So, here we are a year later... and I wanted to give you an update of where I have come:
1. I quit my job in May. BEST DECISION EVER. I fired clients that were stressing me out and expecting the world for $1 and now, as of the end of this month, my business has made {10X amount/month business was previously making}. I was hoping to do half of that! OMG. We just finished our cash flow projections and next year, we are on track to double.
2. I hired HELP. I am learning that I do not need to do everything by myself and that I really enjoy business development and strategy sessions more than anything. In the strategy sessions I charge the same for four hours of work that I would for in one month of management of social accounts. Plus it actually brings me JOY. Not stress! I am hoping to hire another 1-2 employees by May. It's insane and terrifying, but I realized that by stepping away from tasks that I hate, I am opening up time to do the things I actually love.
3. Speaking of that dollar value... {X amount} per month was a joke. OMG. I can't believe I was ever afraid to charge people for that! The lowest package we now offer is {4X that amount}, and people are paying and I'm not afraid to send proposals anymore! I have abundance in my life. It is so overwhelming how many doors I have opened just by having some confidence!
Gosh, so much has happened. Every day I thank the universe and I thank you. My life has changed so much. It has been a rollercoaster and I'm sure it will be for the months and years to come, but for the first time in my life I can honestly say that I am happy.”
Female | Alberta, Canada
“How can you explain the inexplainable?
I'm sitting here crying as I write this as I literally am not the same person I am as when I started working with Sarah a year ago. I could write a chapter book about how Sarah has changed my life. My life has turned a complete 180 and I can't thank her enough for what she has done for me, my family, all my relationships and the business I've created as a result of working with her.
Without Sarah's support, I would not be where I am today. She has the unique capability to see people for who they truly are, remind them of that by helping them tap back into their uniqueness, and help them cultivate that all the while meeting them where they're at currently. THIS.IS.HER.GIFT. She's both strong and soft as she know's when I need to be called out on my BS and also when I need some good old TLC. Her ability to see me for who I am at my core, what my unique talents and skills are, and to shine a light on that and cultivate that in me is the reason I am where I am today in my business, relationships with my kids, husband, family and most importantly my relationship with myself.
Before working with Sarah, I lived in a small town with my husband 2 year old son and was pregnant without a job/business and was a stay-at-home mom and was basically living in survival mode. I felt like I was constantly taking care of everyone else and putting my needs on the backburner, specifically when it came to supporting my husband and his dream career. Even though I taught yoga and was working on getting my Life Coaching Certification and working on building that business I constantly beat myself up for not being further in my career or life in general. As my husband was the sole income provider and I saw no end in sight as to how I was going to create the business and life I truly wanted and knew deep at my core I was capable of creating. This was because I was running on E all the time from taking care of everyone else before me. I didn't even have the awareness around this as in my mind I just thought I was supposed to "suck it up", endure the feelings of exhaustion, overwhelm and stress consistently. That I was weak if I asked for support or hired help to give me some relief. Sarah single handedly pulled me out of this dark "well" if you will. She threw me a lifeline or a bucket into the dark well of pain and suffering I felt on a daily basis and I grabbed on for dear life! I also didn't know the logistics as to how nor did I have the confidence that I actually had the ability to help serve others as a life coach and own my own business. Sarah took me from that place to a place of confidence, clarity and certainty. She reminded me, that I'm not here to endure pain and suffering but that I'm here to receive support and that I also deserve to live out my own dreams and here's the kicker...not to feel guilty for this!!! hallelujah!!! This has been the key for me. I no longer buy into the story that I should postpone my dreams and feel guilty creating a career and ultimately the life of my dreams all the while raising two little ones, maintaining a household, taking care of three fur babies, supporting my husband and his dream career (as he is absent a lot due to traveling for his work) and living far far away from any family or support system. How she has done this is beyond me. I can only hope that I have the ability to do the same for women as this gift and opportunity is absolutely PRICELESS!
As for the other areas of my life...
Relationships- I'm not as reactionary, super focused and purposeful in my communication with both my husband and my kids. I'm able to communicate what it is I actually need at an emotional, physical and spiritual level and then receive that support without feeling guilty and shameful around asking for what is I need. I've found my husband is more attracted to me not just on a physical level but an energetic level. He's said he notices my confidence and ability to make decisions easily and ask for what it is I need and be unapologetic about it. I've had other moms at my sons pre-school come up to me and ask "How in the world and why are you so lighthearted, happy and together, when your husband is gone so much and you're running a business". I smile as it's because of Sarah's support and mentorship. I also smile because it hasn't been easy and I've gotten really uncomfortable and pushed myself passed what were my limits, but I will say this process of working with her has been life-changing and I would do it all over again.
As a mother I no longer hide and cry in the bathroom to get away from my children like I used to because I'm now able to as for what it is I need. When I feel overwhelmed, stuck, and like I need a break I'm now able to either ask for support, a break and/or hire help and not feel guilty about receiving support. I no longer yell at my children!!! And if I do, I don't beat myself up anymore because she reminds me that this is a huge sign that I need to take time to prioritize my own needs first and she's shown me the way out of feeling guilty around having those needs met.
Business- I feel like Sarah has handed me a business, even though she'll tell you that's not what she did. As a business owner I'm now super clear on who I want to be as the CEO , who I am as a person, a leader, and who and what I stand for. I'm clear on my gifts, talents and unique skills within my own business and she has helped me hone those skills and my craft. She's also given me the ability as a coach to bring unique strategies and tactics to my clients that no other coach or mentor in the past has been able to share with me. She's guided me to define my own core values as a business owner and one of the biggest things she's given me as a business owner is to lead myself first and foremost and have impeccable integrity. She's able to do that because she walks her talk and leads from a place of ultimate integrity herself.
As for the Soul Sessions (see I told you I could write a chapter book), I've had multiple sessions with Sarah and after each one I am a changed person. When I went to beautiful Banff the experience was just what I needed. I had been pregnant, breastfeeding, or mothering for the last three years and it was the break my body, mind and spirit needed. She helped me poke holes in every single story, and stressor that had been holding me back in both my personal and professional life. I was able to enjoy multiple quiet, relaxing meals by myself which for a mother is a treat in and of itself. Sarah helped me figure out the logistics that were holding me back in my business and especially in the launch of my website. She literally didn't let me leave Banff without hitting launch on the website and I know that had she not pushed me to do this, it still wouldn't be launched!
Like I said, I could write a book about all the ways Sarah has helped me go from stuck in survival mode, lacking clarity, confidence in myself as a mother, wife, and a business owner to feeling a deep sense of inner peace, connected and confident. I know, love, and own who I am as a human being because of her and for that I am forever grateful to Sarah!”
Female | California, USA
As a first-time mom, my life had radically changed after the birth of my daughter. I felt insecure and lost most of the time. I longed to reconnect with myself, constantly feeling my life was devoted to others and what I needed or wanted was always last on the list. I was terrified about putting myself first, feeling guilty about even just taking an hour after work to focus on me. On top of that I knew I wanted to explore starting my own business that would give me the freedom to build my own work/life balance but I felt crazy just thinking about it when I barely had the time to sit down and drink a warm cup of tea. I knew it was up to me to get myself back on track but I had no idea where to start. So I hired Sarah to support me and make me accountable. I had no idea what to expect. Three and a half months later I feel completely different. It's hard to describe in words but working with Sarah created a shift in life, in my attitude towards myself and others. With her support I rebuilt a healthier relationship with my daughter, weaned her off breastfeeding and got her to sleep in her own room in the gentle way I always wanted to. I gained the confidence to not only take care of myself, but also to jump into a new career path that I know will be more aligned with the life I want to lead. I actually hired Sarah for an additional year of coaching because her support and guidance became invaluable for me. Best money spent, hands down. Thank you Sarah!!!
Female | Québec, Canada
"For the first time in 5 decades, I feel like my shackles are coming off.
Sarah has been an absolute game changer for me! She is the ultimate 'shmealer' (shame healer) if I've ever seen one. She's helped me trust and open up and understand and heal from many deep wounds in my past that I'd held onto and held shame for 5 decades back into my childhood. After much work together in soul sessions and many conversations she's helped me release much shame and guilt and with this I've come to feel lighter, more peaceful, more playful and more loving to others and myself.
The rage, anger, depression, anxiety and sadness has begun to lift and I have days where I feel better than I've ever felt in my entire life. She doesn't sugar coat anything in her approach and provides support in the most loving, caring and compassionate way possible. It took awhile for me to open up to her and to trust but I can honestly say that she has been a turning point in my life. I will continue on my journey with her and would encourage all men who feel this way to explore this type of healing with Sarah, she's amazing! So grateful"
Male | Washington, USA
“You helped me re-energize my mental health and gain the confidence to move forward and past the mental barriers instilled by my family members. The care and thought of your methods are exceptional and extremely personal. You have provided me with tools and instruments to move forward, and also continue my journey to be true to myself, and my wife and child. You gave me the energy and clarity to push myself to regain my personal power, giving me the confidence to continue to strive for success in business and my family relationships. Your coaching is invaluable, and I will use the strategies I have learned from you for the rest of my life, to be the husband/father I have always wanted to be.”
Male | British Columbia, Canada
“I came to Sarah because I felt so held back by fear in my life. Deep down I knew I wanted to launch my own website and my business but I was scared of what other people might think of me and was scared to fail. With Sarah on my side I busted through fear and stepped out of my comfort zone. Sarah was here to share with me her insights as well as inspiring stories and guided me to connect back to my heart and my body wisdom. We explored together many areas of my life, from my finances to my relationship and my professional life. She has been my greatest supported in this process and it really helped me believe in myself. I'm forever grateful I took this step to be coached by her, as it launched me onto a whole new level in my life. I flew all the way from France to Oslo to meet her and to get the work done. Well, it's one of the best decision I have made in my life. I finally got what I had been longing and yearning for years: to be heard, to be seen and to be understood. Sarah helped me find the blessing and the meaning behind my suffering. I had been feeling lost and unpurposed for years, and I now feel so sooo in love with life and excited about my future. I haven't felt that free in years. I'm beyond grateful that I have her in my life because she doesn't let me settle for lesser than who I am. She helps me remember who I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Female | Biarritz, France
“One of my goals in life is to be the best role model I can be for my daughter. I want to show her that she can be a happy, confident, loving, kind, motivated and successful woman. When I began coaching with Sarah I was not the role model I wanted to be for my daughter. Sarah helped me change the way I think and look at life. She taught me how to understand the reason behind what I thought and know what to do to make it better. She helped me love myself again which strengthened my relationships with my husband and daughter, grew my confidence and increased my motivation towards my career. Sarah has a way to make you feel like you’re not alone. She makes you feel comfortable and heard from the first word you speak to the last.
When I began working with Sarah one of my main goals was to focus on my business. At the time, I wasn’t happy where my business was heading. I was offering services that I didn’t love doing. I wasn’t proud of my business or myself and had no confidence in my work. But after working with Sarah and focussing on my self worth I made a lot of changes. I rebranded to better represent myself and I relaunched my services to only focus on what I love to do. My confidence and positive outlook on life really helped me with promoting my business. I took on new clients - people that I actually wanted to work with and doing work that I enjoyed. I continue to feel motivated and every day I increase my confidence by working with the right people and offering services that I love to do and that I’m good at. You are put on this Earth to be happy and feel loved. Life throws us so many obstacles both good and bad, that it’s hard to understand why and to know how to move forward. I’ve been there and I know that it may feel like you’ve failed. But working with Sarah will give you the light that you need to feel whole again. You deserve to be happy, confident, successful and have a huge amount of self worth. Let Sarah help - it will be worth it.”
Female | USA
“As I continue on my journey and coaching with Sarah I realize there is no cap to her support. As I keep growing, evolving, changing in my business and mostly my personal life she’s always ten steps ahead of me in how and what type of support I need. Running a household of young children, fur babies, and taking care of things while my husband travels a lot, and a business gets tricky and feelings of overwhelm, depletion, stress, and anxiety still creep back in. I was reminded yet again this week of her unprecedented ability to support me in these times. She has the ability to be the strength for me in these times (as change and growth are always constant & while I’ve come a long way I’m always going to be changing & growing and along with that comes new hopes, dreams, and lots of fears & resistance pops up. But she reminds me that inner strength resides within me, and what I’m truly capable of and helps me gain clarity on how to get out of overwhelm and back into a space of peace, calm, and be able to ask for what it is I need in order to support all the beings and myself in my life. This support is priceless!”
Female | California, USA
“Starting this journey with Sarah has been one of the best decisions in my life. It’s difficult at first for us to see how we’ve been debilitated from being our true self due to past trauma. In just a few months, Sarah has helped me work through my trauma, getting me closer to who I truly am, without the added noise of what others have boxed me in to be throughout my life. I’m able to lead a happier life now by using my voice more. I’m now starting to be more assertive on my boundaries, investing in relationships that are mutually respectful, & never compromising my values for the sake of maintaining peace or pleasing others.”
Female | Ontario, Canada
I've never had someone in my corner quite the way Sarah is. I've never had someone in my corner who understands what I'm really saying, when I'm stumbling and trying to find my words. I've never had anyone understand right away why I can't get the right words to come out. I've never had anyone not address my concerns with "You NEED to do this.". I'm not even really sure I've ever had someone in my corner, period. It's not about the things you've done or didn't do. It's not about your seemingly dim light. It's about the WHY. It's about treating the cause, not the symptom. That's the method. Getting to the bottom of those questions has been worth every penny to me so far."
Female | Alberta, Canada
“I have never cried so many happy tears !!!!! I feels so fricken amazing when hard work pays off, I know that I am putting in as much work into myself and being the best version of myself every single day, as I did to get accepted into the [program of my choice] - and today's exciting news is a result.
I always find it difficult to celebrate my successes, but today I can't stop smiling because it is the first day that I have felt so confident in myself. Not only because I have reached a goal that has been something I have wanted for so long, but because I stayed in in my own lane. Although it was so hard and I wanted to give up so many times, and so many people asked " what will you do if you don't get in?", and I constantly compared myself to others and where they were at. I knew I had to stick with what I am SO passionate about. For the first time in a really long time I am so happy where I am in this moment right now, because I know that without my struggles I would not be who I am right now or where I am. THANK YOU, for your guidance within the past year! Thank you for believing in me and being my cheer leader Sarah”
Female | Alberta, Canada
“I had just bought into our family business but I hadn’t yet made much of a name to distinguish myself as my own entity or in my own right. I was fighting against generations of the mentality of the way we did things were because that was the way they had “always been done” as opposed to being innovative or forward thinking. I really wanted to be known amongst for what I brought to the business, not just following in someone else’s footsteps (which I will gladly admit, are some very large prints to follow). We are constantly learning, growing and evolving, but when I first connected with Sarah; I was very much taking those first steps into becoming the woman I am and continue to evolve to be.
I didn’t know what to expect and was nervous to tell someone not only my weaknesses/challenges, but my strengths/goals and ambitions as well. It’s tough to lay your vulnerable side out for someone to see. In those early days, I knew that I wanted a cheerleader and someone who understand how my mind works (my thoughts operate like a toddler’s scribbles in a colouring book) to help not only set my SMART goals but to bring me back when I ran astray.
I knew from the bottom of my heart that I could never return to the path I had been on. Sarah helped me see my visions with clarity and a newfound passion and guided me towards my journey. Since I’ve started working with Sarah, I feel as though I’ve lived a thousand lifetimes. I have grown, adapted and evolved on what feels like a daily, if not weekly basis. I am more on track with the version of myself I have always wanted to become. I have clarity on my life’s ambitions, the legacy I would like to leave and more than anything have learned how to honour and set time aside, for myself every day, no matter how wild the schedule.”
Female | Ontario, Canada
“After a traumatic time in my personal life I couldn't get back on my feet. During this time I could not, no matter what I tried, get myself motivated to do the things that always made me feel in control and healthy. I realized the athlete side of me would benefit from a coach, literally! I needed someone to speak with candidly who could offer support I couldn't ask of others in my life. Sarah was not only a coach in the typical sense I'd hoped for but approached every call with care and acute attention. She helped me identify when I was being a little too tough on myself and when I slipped off course we broke down why and how to get right. Since our time together I feel so much more confident approaching times when I know I will be challenged and the good days are extra sweet. I so encourage anyone considering this process to chat with her so you can understand yourself why she is such a light in this world.”
Female | Ontario, Canada
“Working with Sarah has been a true gift. Shortly after commencing my coaching calls I felt I had faced my worst fear: failure. After a roller coaster couple weeks I found myself in a position of no job and no real financial backing. But with Sarah's support and unwavering belief in me and my goals, she helped in turning my life and mindset around. Sarah has a unique ability to truly see you as an authentic individual. I feel my coaching sessions have launched me so much further and quicker into pursuing my dreams than I thought possible. I am now in a position where I have work arrangements bringing me in an income higher than previously planned, more time to teach yoga and beginning to build my own wellness coaching business, something I envisioned myself doing in 10-12 months down the line but I am doing right now...today! This in itself is such a gift and something I truly believe would not have been possible without Sarah's support and outstanding guidance. I could not recommend Sarah enough. If your feeling lost, unsure or unworthy of your dreams, Sarah is there to not only pull you from that place, but to launch you out like a stunning firework!”
Female | London U.K.
“I was feeling very stuck, taken advantage of at work and burnt out. I wanted to move into a new role that aligned more with my passions and my strengths. I was sick of the current role I was in and exhausted from doing so much extra work to prove to myself and my employer that I was capable of doing so much more. I heard a lot of people in podcasts mention that they had a coach. I felt like I had gotten what I needed out of therapy, and I was really looking for more guidance on elevating my life, not necessarily healing or working through issues. I was really impressed with the way you spoke up on issues and demonstrated powerful allyship, and knew I wanted a coach that was aligned with my values in social justice and feminism. I wasn’t sure what to expect, I was just really hoping that I would learn something new because I felt like I was already doing so much and getting nowhere. I was fully prepared to just surrender to the experience and be vulnerable about how I was feeling. I just wanted to talk to someone that wasn’t my mom or partner!
I’m {now} confident in my abilities and trust that I can do anything, and deserve the life I want. {My partner} thinks I’m a machine and is so confident that I’m going to kick ass at everything I do. He might have already thought that, but he knows that I know that now. I feel like I’m on the right path now and I’m not stuck. I’m so much more self-aware and hold space for my intuition. Humility will be my best friend moving forward. I feel like we covered SO MUCH, and really wrapped things up well with how I can continue to move forward with my goals. Thank you Sarah! This truly was a transformative experience and I am so grateful that we connected. You are so gifted in your ability to listen to someone’s lived experience with so much compassion and understanding, and quickly recognize their strengths and abilities and how to strategize solutions specific to them. I love how I could be a blabbering mess with no real “point” to my conversation and you would take that verbal diarrhea and translate it into what I need and how to get it with so much ease every time. It’s evident that you have practiced everything in your arsenal of tools and resources yourself and that you have a deep passion for being of service to others and their growth. You change lives in the best way and I look forward to witnessing you continue to help others find purpose, come into their power and make the world a more beautiful place by sharing their gifts.”
Female | Alberta, Canada
“Immediately by the end of the first session I felt relief. Sarah has an absolute divine skill at making you feel completely at ease with her from minute one. For someone such as myself who finds it easy to talk about everything but my own issues and insecurities, Sarah immediately put me at ease and I felt comfortable to open up to her. Our first session I had nervously chosen the two areas I wished to focus on; the two of my life that I often tried to avoid for fear of the discomfort they would cause. Sarah helped make me feel confident that I was making the right decision to face these. My mindset has done a full 180. My confidence in my abilities and my self-belief has grown tenfold and now most days I wake up ready to take on the day, excited for what’s in store. I feel like the inner energy inside me has reignited now and I feel more content and grateful.”
Female | London, U.K.
“When we first connected not a whole lot was going on in my life. I was in a rut with work, I had a lot of friends who were energy vampires, my love life was in the gutter and my self-care (mentally, emotionally and physically) was about the worst it’s ever been. The goals I wanted to set targeted my relationship (personal and loving), self-care and business planning. As a whole I wanted to create clear goals that targeted my life vision and attracted positive, loving and uplifting people into my life. I was tired of living in a groundhog day and knew I was ready and willing to do whatever it took to make these changes. This was an easy decision. I was confident that {this work} was introduced to me at the perfect and most fitting time in my life as I was at a plateau and needed guidance forward in life mentally, emotionally, financially, physically, etc. I felt like I asked the universe for some help and Sarah was put into my life at the perfect time to help me out and get me back on track. After my first introductory session with Sarah I knew that I couldn’t put a price tag on my life decisions and my life goals. Her passion for helping others and the ‘road block’ I felt I was currently in went hand-in-hand. The energy, relief and positive outlook on life I felt after just the first session was enough for me to make a commitment. The emotion I felt when reading my goals out loud solidified the fact that I was ready and in need of change, and the fact that Sarah was able to bring this out in me all while helping me restructure my action plan was exactly what I needed. I had no idea what to expect. I walked into this blind, but knew that no matter what happened I was doing myself a positive service. The sessions blew my mind, the positive energy I had radiated after each call and the control I had over my life was second to none. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made!
I felt like I had a life purpose again. I could visualize my life as it relates to relationships, business and self-care. I felt like I’ve always had the tools at my fingers tips, but needed someone to help me put things into place and make them happen. I found my relationships grew stronger, my self-care changed the way I slept, felt mentally and emotionally and my business planning flourished. Working with Sarah was incredible! It was so easy to talk to her, express myself and she knew exactly how to adapt to my personality. She always brought positive energy, compassion and support to all of our sessions and every minute was spent focusing on how I can make me the best ‘me’ possible. I left every session with a deep burning desire to grow and to make subtle life changes for a positive future. I’m truly grateful to have found Sarah at the time I did in my life and I cherish the life lessons I learned which have created the most positive and uplifting life path.”